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直接 ISP 连接与 P2P 代理网络

Why proxies with direct ISP connectivity are way better than P2P proxy networks?

Direct ISP Connectivity vs P2P Proxy Networks

直接 ISP 连接与 P2P 代理网络

Residential proxies, combined with direct ISP connectivity, provide a range of advantages when compared to other options commonly used today, such as the P2P proxy network.
Those who are weighing the decision between P2P proxy networks and direct ISP should explore what each has to offer. Below, you’ll find answers to the most important questions regarding both P2P and direct ISP proxy networks.

What is a P2P proxy network?

A P2P (peer-to-peer) proxy network is one solution for hiding your identity online by providing a dedicated IP address from devices used in that network. This type of network means that once connected to the network, every IP address is acting both as a server and client, without a need for any network operating system.
By utilizing the end-users’ device, it allows the proxy network to balance the load from its servers on to the users, and to make the end-user act as a server of his own for other users in that network.
However, there are potential dangers to be aware of when working with a P2P proxy network. With the cache system used by proxy servers, it could be possible for the service provider to have access to secure data, as well as browser history and even passwords. It is always a good idea for a high-quality and reputable proxy provider that can ensure privacy and security. The ideal option would be to choose a proxy that offers direct ISP connectivity rather than P2P. 
Below, we can see some of the pros and cons of using a P2P proxy network;
• Large IP pool and availability
• Multiple exit nodes around the world
• Easier to scale


• Unwillingly being utilized to act as a server
• Your data may be accessed and used by others
• Your device “shares the load” of others
• The potential risk of receiving misleading data
More Cons to take into consideration are the dependence on end-user connectivity, meaning your proxy connection can be cut at any time.
There is no Static IP option. You can only use an end user’s IP for a limited amount of time as they can disconnect at any giving time.
Slower proxy speed. You first connect to an end-user and then to the internet, making your proxy speed depend on the internet speed of the end-user.

What is a direct ISP connectivity proxy network?

Proxy networks with direct ISP connections are significantly a better option than a P2P proxy network. 
Instead of connecting to an end-user device, a direct ISP connection guarantees that you receive your IP address from a trusted residential device originating directly from the ISPs with one-hop connectivity. 

What are the advantages of having direct ISP connectivity?

A quality residential proxy network provides the ability to access any website, and collect data from the web anonymously for any use case. 
With these proxies, a business can hide their actual IP, making it easier to get around geo-blocked content and to obtain data quickly.
The use of residential proxies with direct ISP connectivity (hence, one-hop connectivity) ensures better security for the user as well, no devices being utilized, and no traffic is being distributed on the user’s device.
Oh, and the most important part – faster proxy speed under 500ms.

How can companies make use of residential proxies?

Nowadays, companies are using a high-quality residential proxy network in a range of ways that could directly benefit their business.
The following are some of the ways to do so:
Web scraping and data gathering are crucial for businesses that wish to gain an advantage over their competitors. It is used as a way to evaluate prices, collecting data over web pages and social media platforms, and also conducting market research to build the right business strategy. 
Market research is one of the most common ways that companies are using residential proxies.
The proxies allow companies to bypass the restrictions that are often put on flagged IP addresses. It allows them to analyze the market better and conduct marketing efforts that work.
Brand protection is yet another area where residential proxies are highly useful, as they provide added security and safety from threats and malware. 
Ad verification correlates with brand protection and ensures transparency for your ads, guaranteeing their authenticity.
Ad networks are using the service as a means to view the advertiser’s landing pages and to ensure that they don’t contain malware or any misleading advertising.
There are also other use cases, such as price monitoringsocial media management (SMM), sales intelligence, SEO monitoring/tracking, travel aggregation, and much more.
Check out some other best residential proxies use cases, and best niches to get leads with residential proxies.
As you can see, the reasons for choosing a proxy network with direct connections to ISPs outweigh the reasons for choosing a standard P2P network. Consider all of the ways it could improve your business, and think about using this feature while choosing your business’ toolbox and setting the right strategy towards success.

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